A comparison of motor relearning occupational based with neurodevelopmental treatment approaches when treating patients who have experienced traumatic brain injuries

Expiry Date
: 30/11/2025
CPD Units
: 3.00 Points
: Not yet rated.

The study’s purpose is to look at which treatment approaches showed most improvements in performance for patients who have experienced a traumatic brain injury.

Keywords: Self-care, Neurodevelopmental Treatment approach, Motor relearning occupation-based approach, Traumatic brain injury

Reading material:

Educational Objectives

Educational Aim:
This study aimed to examine the treatment approaches when working with traumatic brain injury and the performance improvement of these approaches.

Educational Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module practitioners should have a clear understanding of:

  1. The differences between treatment approaches used with Traumatic brain injuries (TBI).

  2. What a traumatic brain injury present itself with
  3. A description of the treatment techniques used in treating TBI
  4. Implications in an African context.

Instructions for this Module

  • Read the supplied reading material and complete the quiz that follows;
  • You have three attempts to pass the quiz;
  • The pass grade is 70%;
  • You need to pass the quiz to claim your CPD certificate;
  • Please click on the CPD certificate link below to claim your CPD certificate and to update your CPD Manager.

If you need any assistance to complete this module, please Contact us