This article looks at the precautions to be taken when examining the head and neck area, potential transmission from the middle ear and which conditions are should be considered for surgeries.
COVID – 19 and neurological symptoms
These two articles look at the neurological symptoms that may present even prior to respiratory symptoms, in patients with COVID-19.
Guidance for surgical care during the COVID – 19 pandemic
This article aims to support surgical and anaesthetic teams and health service leaders by identifying key domains that should be covered in pandemic preparedness plans.
Cerebrovascular Disease and COVID-19
This article looks at the possible influence of Covid-19 on cerebrovascular disease as well as the pathophysiological mechanisms in order to discuss possible ideas for the prevention or diagnosis of this disease.
Medical Technology:
Contamination of Medical Masks
Airborne respiratory pathogens may remain on the surface of used masks, resulting in contamination.
Multimodality Imaging of Prostate Cancer
The important imaging modalities and the role of the associated techniques used in prostate cancer.
Impacted maxillary canines in young patients
Diagnostic methods and treatment strategies for impacted maxillary canines.
Applications of Blockchain technology for the efficient management of healthcare Data-Sharing
Timely, secure, and confidential sharing of electronic health records across providers is crucial to facilitate proper patient care. This activity focuses on a systemic review of literature aiming to examine the motivations, advantages, and limitations, as well as barriers and future challenges faced when applying blockchain technology in oncology.
Nutrigenomics and breast cancer – personalised interventions
This overview provides an updated synthesis of the current knowledge of nutrient and diet effects on breast cancer, from a nutrigenomic perspective
Drug–drug Interactions and its Clinical Effects
This article provides an outline of the pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) mechanisms that cause drug-drug interactions, leading to serious and debilitating adverse drug reactions.
Analysing whether hand or forearm injuries can be missed in polytrauma patients
When assessing a patient with multiple traumatic injuries, it may be easy to miss less significant injuries, like hand or arm injuries. This article utilised the Trauma Register DGU® to analyse the data.
Renal Disorders:
Recommended Diet for Calcium Stone Patients
Diet and lifestyle changes are an important part of the strategy for the prevention of the recurrences of kidney stones and cardiovascular disease.
Counseling and Psychotherapy:
Changes with respect to diagnosing autism over the years
The authors of this article looked at the size of the differences observed between people with autism and people without it -- and compared its progression over the years.
The cricketer’s shoulder and injuries: Asymmetries in range of movement and muscle length
This article describes a prospective study about shoulder injuries in cricketers and the relationship between muscle types, lengths and movements that highlights the need to pay attention to pre-season and early signs of shoulder pain in order to prevent shoulder injuries.
South African Journal of Radiology:
SA Journal of Radiology Vol 24 (2020) Activity 1
This module familiarises the reader with imaging knowledge of the anterior optic pathway, tunnelled haemodialysis catheters, and uterine amnioceles.
Family Medicine:
The cardiac effect of (too much) exercise
This review describes the adaptive and sometimes maladaptive cardiac changes induced by exercise training.
The current study describes the clinical features, demography, therapy and outcomes of thirteen cases with MCC.
(Edited by AOSIS Insights - original submission Monday, 20 July 2020, 9:39 AM)
(Edited by AOSIS Insights - original submission Monday, 20 July 2020, 9:39 AM)
(Edited by AOSIS Insights - original submission Monday, 20 July 2020, 9:39 AM)