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Tinnitus – the use of smartphone in the treatment and management of Tinnitus

This article reviews the literature to discuss the role of smartphone and Apps in the management and treatment of tinnitus.

Keywords: Hearing Loss, Tinnitus, Apps

Hidden hearing loss

The article looks at Hidden Hearing Loss – possible causes, possible areas of damage, and makes recommendations for an audiological test battery.


Hidden Hearing Loss, Hearing loss, Cochlear Synapthopathy

Rheumatoid Arthritis and Hearing loss

These articles look at Rheumatoid Arthritis and Hearing Loss- Audiological findings, High Frequency Audiometry and the dangers of ototoxic medications.


Hydroxychloroquine, Ototoxicity, Rheumatoid Arthritis

Acute/Sudden hearing loss and hyperbaric oxygen

This article looks at the use of Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment after an acute acoustic trauma or with sudden idiopathic sensorineural hearing loss.


Acute hearing loss, Sudden hearing loss, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Hearing loss – Professional Musicians

This review looks at hearing loss with professional musicians, comparing the findings for pop/rock and classical musicians. The review further looks are the presence of other audiological symptoms (Tinnitus, Hyperacusis and Diplacusis) Keywords: Hearing loss, Tinnitus, Hyperacusis

Diabetes and Hearing Loss

These two articles look at the relationship between Diabetes and Hearing Loss, and which factors contribute to hearing loss.


Diabetes, hearing loss, diabetes mellitus

Stickler Syndrome – hearing loss

This article provides a comprehensive review on Stickler Syndrome, its clinical presentation and suggested treatments.


Stickler Syndrome, Hearing Loss

Meniere’s Disease

This article looks at the possible causes for Ménière’s disease, and in particularly, the various ways in which endolymphatic hydrops are caused.


Meniere’s disease, hearing loss, endolymphatic hydrops

Somatosensory Tinnitus

This article explains Somatosensory Tinnitus, and the various treatments that have been researched in relation to it.


Tinnitus, Somatosensory Tinnitus,

Hearing loss and co-morbidities

This article looks at the additional conditions that can occur with a hearing loss, especially in the aged population. It looks at the implications of these co-morbidities for audiological care.


Hearing loss, Audiological care, Multi-morbidity