CBD Certification Course

Cost: R3 950.00 incl. VAT

HPCSA Accredited Course

CPD Points: 20 CEUs

Duration: 20 Hours              

About the Course:
This comprehensive course is for the CBD curious healthcare professional who would like to understand the fundamentals of CBD to be able to assist their patients by using science and research of how this natural medicine can possibly improve their patients health and wellbeing. 9 comprehensive modules cover the history and current legal landscape, how CBD works with the body and the endocannabinoid system, how to source quality CBD products, different delivery methods, patient centred dosing and how CBD can work for specific ailments. 

Please note:
We are increasing our service offering available to our eCPD® clients and have Partnered with Cheeba Africa and Medical Marijuana 411. When you click on ‘Purchase Course’, you will be redirected to the Cheeba Africa’s website where you will be able to review the full course syllabus and conclude your transaction'.

Last modified: Thursday, 6 July 2023, 1:19 PM