How do I earn CEUs on eCPD®?
How can I earn CEUs on eCPD® if I do not find any CPD activity of my liking on eCPD®?
Will the Health Professions Council of South Africa accept my CEUs earned on eCPD®?
How can I earn CEUs in Professional Ethics on eCPD®?
Why do I have to pay to claim CEUs on eCPD®?
How many CEUs do I need?
Is there any limit on the number of points that may be earned per CPD category?
How can I keep track of my required CEUs?
How many points do I need in my specialty if I am a registered specialist?
When do I have to submit my CPD points portfolio to the HPCSA?
What can happen if I do not comply with the requirements of the CPD system?
I am busy with my community service year. Do I have to comply with the CPD system?
I am living abroad. How can I maintain my registration with the HPCSA?
Deferment for full-time students in Family Medicine, Registrars and Senior Registrars
How does the HPSCA compliance auditing work?
How does the credit system work on eCPD®?
According to what I have bought and used, I should have more credits left.
I did not know that credits can expire
Why are credits expired?
How do I enrol in an eCPD® course?
How do I complete an eCPD® course?
I am unable to claim my eCPD® certificate? What’s wrong?
How do I view and print my certificate/s?
How many attempts do I have to complete a questionnaire?
How can I change my personal details and/or e-mail address on the eCPD® Healthcare Services system?
How can I pay for eCPD® credits?
I tried a credit card payment on eCPD® but for some reason the transaction was not successful, what must I do?
Are my expenses on eCPD® deductible for Income Tax purposes?
I cannot log into the website. Do I need to enable my browser cookies?
What web browser should I use to view the website
In a course I click on READING MATERIAL, but I don’t see it. Where is it?
Last modified: Tuesday, 20 August 2024, 8:11 AM