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African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine
The African Journal of Primary Health & Family Medicine (PHCFM) welcomes submissions that encourages scholarly exchange between family medicine and primary health care researchers and practitioners across Africa, whilst providing a contextual and holistic view of family medicine as practised across the continent. The journal is indispensable for primary health care practitioners, family medicine specialists and academics from both the developing and developed worlds, and offers an engaging insight into the growth of these disciplines from a distinctly African perspective.
South African Family Practice
South African Family Practice is a peer-reviewed scientific journal, which strives to provide primary care physicians and researchers with a broad range of scholarly work in the disciplines of Family Medicine, Primary Health Care, Rural Medicine, District Health and other related fields.
South African Journal of Industrial Psychology
SAJIP aims to publish original research of relevance and interest to the development of concepts pertaining to an organisation's success by improving the performance and well-being of its people. This knowledge is of pertinence to all individuals, researchers and scholars with an interest in leadership effectiveness. The application of research results published in SAJIP are of relevance to all whose concern is the organisational team.
South African Journal of Radiology
The SA Journal of Radiology is the official journal of the Radiological Society of South Africa and the Professional Association of Radiologists in South Africa and Namibia. The SA Journal of Radiology is a general diagnostic radiological scholarly research journal.
Curationis provides a forum for cutting-edge theories and research models related to the exploration of issues experienced and the best practices of nurses and midwives so as to improve nursing education, nursing administration and community nursing within Africa.
Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine
The Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine is focused on HIV/AIDS treatment, prevention and related topics relevant to clinical and public health practice. It publishes original research articles, editorials, case reports/case series, reviews of state-of-the-art clinical practice, and correspondence.
South African Journal of Communication Disorders
The South African Journal of Communication Disorders is concerned with research, and critically evaluative theoretical, philosophical and conceptual issues dealing with aspects of human communication and its disorders, dysphagia, service provision, training and policy.
African Vision and Eye Health
The African Vision and Eye Health journal, formerly known as The South African Optometrist, publishes original peer-reviewed papers of scientific and clinical research in optometry, ophthalmology, vision science and other related fields.
African Journal of Disability
The African Journal of Disability is published for the purpose of advancing scholarship in disability studies and rehabilitation sciences in a uniquely African context. Widely read by scholars, professionals and students, it encourages scholarly exchange between all disciplines and academics.
African Journal of Laboratory Medicine
The African Journal of Laboratory Medicine, the official journal of the African Society for Laboratory Medicine, focuses on the role of the laboratory and its professionals in the clinical and public healthcare sectors, and is specifically based on an African frame of reference.
South African Journal of Physiotherapy
The South African Journal of Physiotherapy is the official scholarly refereed journal of the South African Society of Physiotherapy. It aims to publish original research and facilitate continuing professional development for physiotherapists and other health professions both nationally and internationally..
Last modified: Thursday, 8 November 2018, 12:03 PM