Available courses

Update on TMD concepts

Conceptual changes in management of temperomandibular disorders (TMD).

Keywords: Temperomandibular disorders, occlusion, management.

Radiographic Features of Impacted Lower Wisdom Teeth

An assessment of some of the pathologic features seen in impacted lower third molars relative to their radiographic position.

Keywords: Impaction, mandibular third molar, pericoronitis, cysts

Barrier membranes – Classification and Characteristics

Barrier membranes used in regenerative therapy.

Keywords: Barrier membranes, guided tissue regeneration, guided bone regeneration, regenerative therapy

Peri-Implantitis Update: Risk Indicators, Diagnosis & Treatment

This review discusses various factors associated with peri-implantitis and various available treatments, highlighting their advantages and disadvantages. Keywords: Dental implants, peri-implantitis, implant complications, decontamination, anti-infective agents, periodontal debridement, bone regener…

Management of peri-implant diseases

Protocols for non-surgical and surgical management of peri-implant diseases

Keywords: Dental implants, peri-implant disease, peri-implant mucositis, peri-implantitis, surgical approach, non-surgical approach, regenerative therapy, re-osseointegration

Implant dentistry – Clinical anatomy and cone beam computed tomography

Clinical importance of anatomical sites and the use of CBCT to visualize anatomical sites in implant dentistry

Keywords: Anatomical structures; CBCT, dental implants; basic implant protocol; success criteria; clinical anatomy

Immediate implant placement

Current concepts on immediate implant placement


Dental implants, extraction, immediate implants, indications, contra indications, ridge resorption, socket augmentation, provisionalization


Use of Chlorhexidine in implant dentistry.


Antibacterial agents, implant dentistry, peri-implantitis, prevention, antiseptic

A comparative evaluation of three different methods for determining the dimension of the alveolar ridge before implant placement.

The three methods used to measure the alveolar ridge for treatment planning for implant placement are described and their accuracy is compared to one another.

Keywords: Computed tomography scan, surgical exposure, implants alveolar ridge height and width, alveolar ridge mapping.

Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Dentistry: An Update

A review of the antibiotic prophylaxis protocol administered prior to invasive dental procedures to patients at risk of developing infective endocarditis.

Keywords: Infective endocarditis, antibiotic prophylaxis, invasive dental treatment, heart surgery