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Screen time and psychological well-being in children

Since research relating screen time and psychological well-being among children and adolescents has been conflicting, this study aimed to assess the effect of screen time on the psychological well-being of 2-17 year olds. Keywords: Screen time; psychological well-being; children; adolescents
Category: Psychologist

The Mid-life Crisis as a welcome release from Motherhood and Domesticity

This article has a look at how women have used the notion of midlife change to undermine the hierarchies of gender. The article is helpful to therapists who work with people of both genders going through middle age. Keywords: Midlife Crisis, Feminist, Feminism, Origin, Passages, gender hierarchies
Category: Psychologist

Critical Psychology in Post-Apartheid South Africa.

A profound critique of individualistic and critical social psychology with reference to key issues such as racism, sexism, gender and migration in South Africa. Keywords: Critical psychology, socio-political context, racism, commodification, feminism, masculinity, sexism, African psychology, homopho…
Category: Psychologist

Burnout in Health workers

This article looks at burnout – causes, symptoms, models to understand it, and ways to deal with it.

Keywords: Mental Health, Burnout,

Category: Psychologist

Community Health focussing on partaking and intervention of African adolescent girls and women groups in peer reviewed ‘safe’ environments where they can communicate their experiences

This article focusses on the effect of partaking and intervention of peer-reviewed (‘safe environments’) and benefit thereof the in group of club girls of African adolescent girls and women Keywords: Adolescent girls, young women, South Africa, peer support, mental health, sexual and reproducti…
Category: Psychologist

Helping schools to support grieving scholars

This article looks at how to maintain perspective about what is happening at present while simultaneously considering how to provide long-term support to students.

Keywords: Grief in children, school performance, follow-up in schools, educational initiatives

Category: Psychologist

Sleep Hygiene for older patients with sleep complaints

The study of sleep has grown significantly over the past decade, and Psychologists should be prepared to assess and screen patients appropriately as well as be aware of evidence-based nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic treatment options. Keywords: chronic insomnia disorder, dementia, Epworth Sleepi…
Category: Psychologist

Self-Protection and Bullying

This article is about a program which aims to empower children to stand up for themselves, to help them to know what is and is not acceptable behaviour by others towards them and to know how to react in uncomfortable situations. Keywords: Counselling, self-protection, simulation, socialisation, sto…
Category: Psychologist

Psychological Reactions to Covid-19

This article reviewed the literature in order to focus on how individuals who are exposed to temporally undetermined stress may experience increase anxiety and depression

Covid-19, Cognitive, Behavioural, Emotional, Disorders

Category: Psychologist

Dynamic but neglected informal housing sector

This paper illustrates how informal rental is undergoing a dynamic process of expansion and upgrading that both reflects and contributes to improved socioeconomic conditions.


backyarding, Cape Town, informal rental housing, landlordism, South Africa

Category: Psychologist