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The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Career Experiences

This article attempts to address the dearth of literature in vocational psychology and careers research pertaining to the Fourth Industrial Revolution.


digitization, career development, career choice, career counselling

Category: Psychologist

MMR Vaccination and Autism – a comprehensive study to investigate the common myth that the MMR vaccine causes autism

This is a very comprehensive study which attempts to offer reassurance and provide reliable data on which clinicians and health authorities can base decisions and public health policies


MMR, vaccination, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Autism

Category: Psychologist

Acceptance, Commitment and Adventure Therapy for Children at Risk

The article evaluates an 8-week intervention aimed at meeting the challenge of the high rates of psychological distress being reported amongst children internationally


Children, psychological wellbeing, acceptance, commitment, adventure

Category: Psychologist

Sibling bullying a risk factor for depression and self-harm

This article outlines a longitudinal study in which psychosis in later life is linked to sibling bullying, even when controlling for peer bullying and pre-existing emotional problems.


ALSPAC; bullying; psychosis; siblings; victimization

Category: Psychologist

Smart Phone Interventions for Depressive Symptoms

Results of this study indicate that Smartphone apps are a promising self-management tool for depression. Keywords: Smartphone technology, mental health interventions, depression, e-health, mhealth, apps, cognitive training, mood monitoring, cognitive behavioural therapy, mindfulness training
Category: Psychologist

Cell Phone App for Emotional Self-Awareness

This article looks at how the use of certain mobile phone applications can assist the therapist obtain a positive outcome by using basic cognitive behavioural therapy principles. Keywords: Mood phone; experience sampling method; ecological momentary assessment; cognitive behavioural therapy; affect;…
Category: Psychologist

Children and Information and Communications Technology

This study explores children\'s perceptions of risk and mobile phones in their everyday lives.

Keywords: mobile phones; children; risk; responsibility.
Category: Psychologist

Exploring the possibility of harming children and young people in therapy

This article looks at the ways therapy can be harmful while also focusing on the specific harm which may be caused to children and young people

Keywords: Adolescent, adverse effects, children, harm, psychotherapy, talking therapies

Category: Psychologist

Can we teach ourselves to better manage stress online?

The aim of the current research is to measure the efficacy of an online stress management program for university students

Keywords: Stress, University students, Online intervention

Category: Psychologist

Conspiracy Theories and Covid-19

This article discusses why certain people are unlikely to protect themselves adequately from the COVID pandemic despite valid recommended action.

Keywords: Conspiracy theories; COVID-19; Prevention; Vaccination; Political ideology; Media use
Vaccination misinformation

Category: Psychologist