Available courses

Effect of Music Cued Exercise on People with Dementia

This article investigates the effects of music cued exercises on the motor and non- motor outcomes of people living with dementia.


Dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, Music, Exercise, Physiotherapy

Category: Physiotherapist

Management of Brachial Plexus Injuries in Adults

This article reviews the mechanism and classification of injury, clinical manifestations, updated diagnostic studies, recent treatment strategies and pain after BPI.


Brachial plexus, neuropathies, Peripheral nerve injuries, Diagnosis

Category: Physiotherapist

Current Physiotherapy Practice in upper abdominal surgery

This article aims to document and report the assessment measures and interventions physiotherapists are utilising following UAS, establishing whether current management is reflective of best practice guidelines and recent evidence. Keywords: Upper abdominal surgery, Physiotherapy, Mobilisation, Amb…
Category: Physiotherapist

Physiotherapists perceptions regarding patient education

This survey aim to measure and understanding current practice and perception of patient education with the goal of developing strategies to engage physiotherapy professionals in effective patient education practice. Keywords: Perceptions, Physiotherapists, Patient education, barriers.
Category: Physiotherapist

Factors Determining Patient- Therapist Interaction in a Therapy Setting

This qualitative systematic review and meta- synthesis investigated patients’ and physical therapists’ perceptions of factors that influence patient-therapist interactions. Keywords: Activity- permissive workstation, alternative workstation, sedentary behaviour, physical activity
Category: Physiotherapist

Exercise Solutions for Chronic Pain Management in the Obese Patient

This focused review describes the proposed relationship between obesity, musculoskeletal pain, inflammation and psychological status. Exercise solutions are presented that reduces chronic pain.


Exercise, Inflammation, Kinesiophobia, Obese, Pain

Category: Physiotherapist

Effect of Sit-stand desk on office workers health outcomes

This scoping review focuses on specifying the effectiveness of Sit- stand Desk (SSDs) on multiple primary health outcomes. .


Sit- stand desk, standing desk, workplace intervention

Category: Physiotherapist

The cricketer’s shoulder and injuries: Asymmetries in range of movement and muscle length

This article describes a prospective study about shoulder injuries in cricketers and the relationship between muscle types, lengths and movements that highlights the need to pay attention to pre-season and early signs of shoulder pain in order to prevent shoulder injuries. Keywords: shoulder injuri…
Category: Physiotherapist

Critical Review of Physiotherapy in intensive care units

This critical review analysis the rationale behind the physiotherapeutic technique and existing research evidence regarding the role of physiotherapy in critical care.


Critical care, physiotherapy, airway clearance, early mobilisation

Category: Physiotherapist

Understanding COPD patients’ lived experiences partaking in Pulmonary rehabilitation

This study aims to gain in- depth knowledge of COPDs patients’ lived experiences while following standard pulmonary out- patient rehabilitation. Keywords: Rehabilitation, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, patients’ experience, participant observation, interviews, phenomenological- hermeneu…
Category: Physiotherapist