Neuroendocrine tumours: Patient-reported delays to diagnosis, routes to diagnosis and presenting symptoms

Expiry Date
: 19/11/2026
CPD Units
: 3.00 Points
: Not yet rated.

A web-based survey in the United Kingdom was administered to assess patient responses on symptoms and healthcare interactions prior to a diagnosis of neuroendocrine tumours.

Keywords: Neuroendocrine tumours, symptoms, delay, diagnosis

Reading material:

Educational Objectives

Educational Aim:
The aims of this article were to address the symptoms prior to diagnosis of people with known neuroendocrine tumours, as well as to explore healthcare providers involvement prior to the diagnosis.

Editor's comments:
World Neuroendocrine Tumour Awareness Day (NET Cancer Day) is celebrated on 10 November annually. Although it is not a common condition, its incidence and prevalence are rising. It is vital for general practitioners to include it in their differential diagnosis for especially older patients.

Educational Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module practitioners should have a clear understanding of:

  1. The importance of symptom screening in patients with possible neuroendocrine tumours in primary care

  2. The importance of identifying red flag symptoms in older patients presenting with features suggestive of neuroendocrine tumours in primary care
  3. The importance of timely referral for imaging and further diagnostic workup in patients in whom neuroendocrine tumours are suspected in primary care.

Instructions for this Module

  • Read the supplied reading material and complete the quiz that follows;
  • You have three attempts to pass the quiz;
  • The pass grade is 70%;
  • You need to pass the quiz to claim your CPD certificate;
  • Please click on the CPD certificate link below to claim your CPD certificate and to update your CPD Manager.

If you need any assistance to complete this module, please Contact us