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The influences of haemodialysis therapies in older adult patients

The article highlights the impact of the incentre haemodialysis (HD) treatment on the quality of life that contributes to their everyday roles and functioning and the potential areas of remediation. Keywords: activities of daily living, haemodialysis, older adults, quality of life, rehabilitation; …

The assessment of the selected factors associated with kidney disease in myeloma patients.

The article highlights factors associated with kidney insufficiency at presentation and the factors associated with kidney recovery during the first year of multiple myeloma treatment.

Keywords: Renal impairment; chronic kidney disease; multiple myeloma; kidney insufficiency

The influences of Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis on Quality of Life (QoL) using the World Health Organization brief questionnaire (WHO-BREF)

The article highlights and explores effect of the level of asthma control and the presence of concomitant asthma and AR.

Keywords: Allergic rhinitis, asthma, quality of life

Contributing factors for catheter related blood stream infections in HD patients

This article provides a detailed explanation of the risk factors that contributes to catheter-associated bloodstream infection in hemodialysis patients using metanalysis.

Keywords: catheter-associated bloodstream infection (CRBSI), catheter related factors, Hemodialysis patients

The Pharmodynamic targets of Antibiotics in the advanced Kidney replacement therapies in Critical patients

This study developed common antibiotic dosing recommendations for critically ill patients using 5 different techniques of KRT

Keywords: Antibiotics; Critically-ill, kidney replacement therapy (KRT)

Specific predictor of ovarian reserve anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) for pregnancy results

The article highlights the effect of serum AMH levels which could positively predict patient ovarian responses and further affect pregnancy outcomes.

Keywords: Anti-Müllerian hormone; Assisted reproductive technology; Cumulative clinical pregnancy rate

A Systematic Review and Analysis of Diphtheria

Diphtheria, previously a major cause of childhood morbidity and mortality, is re-emerging and posing a risk to global populations and thus this comprehensive review provides guidance for diphtheria-specific preparedness and response. Keywords: vaccination; diphtheria; outbreak; review.

Therapeutic targets for Renal Cell Carcinoma (ccRCC) with hybrid metabolic characteristics

Hybrid metabolic activity on the tumour cells in RCC from the aspects of the signalling pathway, immunity, tumour mutation, and cell function may be involved in tumour migration and possible therapeutic options and prognostic indicators for patients with this type of RCC. Keywords: Kidney cancer, i…

The relapse & histological transformation of Lupus Nephritis Class II

Significant kidney damage prevalence in half of the patients with lupus including increased proteinuria in patients with lupus relapse.

Keywords: Lupus Nephritis, Mesangial Nephropathy, Relapse

Autonomic Nervous system association with cardiovascular disease and Breast Cancer

Autonomic disease is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease in breast
cancer patients where it can clinically manifest through persistently elevated heart rates and abnormal heart rate variability.

Keywords: Cardiovascular disease; Breast Cancer; Autonomic nervous system